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What payment methods are accepted?We accept iDeal, Maestro, Mastercard, Apple Pay, American Express, Visa, Discover, CartesBancaires, Diners, Jcb and ChinaUnionPay.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?Usually 5-10 business days. Our products are uniquely produced for you, the moment you place your order. Larger orders (3+ items) can take a little longer.
What countries do you ship to?We ship to all countries within the EU. If you want an order shipped to a country outside the EU, we advise you to reach out to us via e-mail at, where possibilities and extra fees will be discussed.
What is your return policy?Items can be returned within 14 days of receiving it, initial costs will be refunded. Go to THIS page to request a return. When returning an order or a product, the initial costs of the order will be refunded to the account with which the order was paid. Return shipping costs will not be reimbursed unless the reason for the return is a production error. To prevent having to return items, we advise you to use our sizing-guides!
Can I pay via an invoice?Yes you can. If you want to order and pay via invoice, send an e-mail to Invoice orders are handled manually.
Can I have the prints of a design on a different position?Yes you can! If there’s an item you would like to order, but with the prints on a different position, that’s possible for an extra fee of €10,00 per item on top of the original price of the item. These requests are handled manually and will be completed via a request using the chat. State what item you would like and what print should go where. After receiving the request, it will be reviewed and accepted or denied, next steps will be provided via the chat. IMPORTANT: Customized items can NOT be returned, due to the fact that they cannot be re-sold afterwards.
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